Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In summary

This is Aurelio’s account of the meeting:

I would like to thank you all or coming to the Auditorio on Monday.

This is my summary of the ideas we spoke about:

1. One child per English couple.

2.Three days a week, each day from 10am to lunch time. About 15 to 20 days during July this summer.

3. Plan to do one activity each day - examples:
  market, wildlife, museum, beach, golf, bowling, cinema, sports-day, petanca, snooker, swimming, BBQ, lunch-dinner etc.

4. A good start to the day could be a breakfast meeting with the children and their families to discuss the plan for the day.

5. Meetings to see how things are going and planning for further activities.

6. Only children from Bigastro over 12 years old will be invited to take part.

7.- Priorities for the selection of children:

  • Older rather than younger
  • Families with less money
  • Children with a high level of English.
  • Number of children in the family.

8.- Parents of the children will pay something to cover costs: food, petrol, etc.

9. The English people taking part will not be paid because they have expressed their wish to give something back to the Bigastro Community.

10. The Ayuntamiento will arrange insurance to cover the activities and transport for small group activities.

This is the list of those who have volunteered to take part so far:
Frazer, Muse, Mann, Fair, Mottram, Williamson, Pickles, Rowlands, Bruz, Cooke, Rogers, Clark.

If your name is on the list and you would prefer not to take part please let either me or Aurelio know. Similarly , if your name is not on the list and you would be prepared to be involved let us know. or

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