Monday, January 11, 2010

Words of advice

imageSiguiendo con la campaña, durante el mes de diciembre se pondrá especial atención al uso del móvil en la conducción. La Policía Local de Bigastro informará del peligro que supone utilizar los móviles, GPS, y otros elementos tecnológicos durante la conducción.
Bajo el lema, "Protege tu vida...también dentro del Casco Urbano ¡ No utilices el móvil mientras conduces !", se pretende reducir las causas de accidente al volante.

Following their December campaign, Bigastro town council are now warning us about using mobile phones, GPS sat navs and other technology items whilst driving.

Interestingly, we have been watching old episodes of Top Gear on Discovery channel. In one programme, Jeremy Clarkson said he could not understand why the government were banning the use of mobile phones in cars. As he pointed out, the law covered making and receiving calls but not sending and reading text messages.

1 comment:

Pete said...

It's hard to comment without having seen the show Keith, but based solely on what you've said I think I'll have to disagree with Clarkson. Sending and receiving text messages at the wheel has been illegal for longer than the GSM network has even been in existence.

We don't have a law specifically prohibiting sending texts, any more than we have one for pouring a coffee at 90mph or lighting a fag in the middle of a complicated junction.

The offence, as far as I know, is 'driving without due care and attention' and reflects the common-sense core of most British legislation. If you act safely you'll be fine. If you're a clown and risk people's safety then you'll get nicked.

I do agree with him that the Government didn't need to ban mobile phones in cars as the legislation was already in place. I suspect the change in the law was a 'fixed penalty' cash-in as otherwise it would mean a court prosecution and more paperwork.

Too many people still use their mobiles whilst they are driving. Not clever.