Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tut tut

You were stopped by the Guardia Civil and now you have a fine to pay. It used to be a real pain in the butt.

However, from last May, the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT)  made it possible for nationals and foreigners alike to pay fines for their driving offences via the internet by credit or debit card.It doesn’t make it any cheaper but it does make it easier.

The DGT´s website found at offers drivers the option to pay their penalties online rather than via the traditional route of visiting a Banco Santander branch, the post office (Correos) or a local Jefatura de Tráfico office where you would have to pay by cash.

Unless your driving licence has  been withdrawn for the infraction of a serious offence – a 30% discount is available if you pay the penalty within 30 days of receiving notification of the fine.
If you wish to pay your fines online, here’s how to do it:
1) Access the DGT´s website at and enter the ‘Trámites y Multas’ section located on the left hand menu.
2) Select the fourth option on the sub-menu (¿Alguna Multa?) and subsequently, “Pago de Multas”.
3) Select option A – this will allow you to pay the fine without a Digital Certificate or Electronic ID Number.
4) Now enter the following information in this exact order to receive a receipt of payment: document type, document number, first name, 1st surname, 2nd surname, record/file number and the total amount of the fine.

Those that have insurance cover with Línea Directa  have yet another option because all policy holders are able to leave the management of their fines and relevant legal matters in relation to road traffic accidents in their hands, and at no extra cost.

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