Thursday, November 05, 2009

A reminder

Pam’s friend Christine Evans reminds us that we are celebrating the fifth anniversary of our arrival in Spain. It was actually on the 7th November 2004 that we flew over and a few days later when we moved into the house.

It was a big adventure for us a) because we were going to live in a new country, b) because we were newly retired from work and c) because we’d lived in the last house in England for over 18 years and were very familiar with it.

I know there are a few people who have found it difficult to settle into their lives in Spain. For us though it has been a very positive and rewarding experience – the pluses have far outweighed any minuses that we might have encountered along the way. There are so many things we enjoy about our lives in Bigastro, it is hard to imagine living anywhere else.

So thank you Christine for reminding us and thank you for reading our blog..

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