Thursday, September 03, 2009

A lot of history

The great thing about having friends over who you have known for a long time is that you have a lot of history to relate to. Making conversation is easy and it isn't uncomfortable when there is a pause.

We spent yesterday just slobbing around with Hugh, Angela and Andrew. A dip in the pool, an al fresco lunch and then a simple barbecue at night. Then, we came in and I found some old DVDs I had made when we were in England, the party we had when Jemma went to Italy for six months, the holiday Pam and I had in Fuertaventura, our retirement parties and finally the compilation of pictures I put together of our house and the area where we lived in England.

Of course, Hugh and Angela lived just across the road from us so the photographs meant a lot to them. They were at the parties and so featured on the one for Jemma's leaving.

One day I will get out the reels of Super 8 and then we can really relive the past with vintage movies dating back to when children were first born and their early years. We keep meaning to get the cine film transcribed onto DVDs. We must get that done before the local shop stops doing that sort of thing.

In this material world we live in, it is good to know that the simple things can still give you so much pleasure. Seeing yourselves as you were is guaranteed to raise a smile. However, watching the 30+ year old cine films might come as a shock!

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