Monday, January 14, 2008

and the results....

On Sunday the judges had great difficulty choosing the winners of the Concurso de Repostería organised by the Concejalía de la Mujer in collaboration with the Asociación de Mujeres Progresistas de Bigastro.

As you can see, the standard amongst the twenty entries was very high.

This year, along with the traditional prizes, there was one denominated for " Slow Food " to be given to a dessert that maintained the traditional flavours of long ago.

and the winners were:

FIRST PRIZE: Marina Baró Martinez with "Abetos de Zanahoria"

SECOND PRIZE: Pilar Martínez Sáez with "Mantecado de Almendra"

THIRD PRIZE: Mª Jose Lopez Robles with "Tarta de Mousse de Chocolate con Galletas"

SPECIAL PRIZE FOR SLOW FOOD: Carmen Perez Moya with "Natillas de Diseño"

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