Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh dear

Icente V Celedonio, spokesman of the Liberal Centre in Bigastro, will denounce on Friday before the public prosecutor, Anticorrupción, the ground auction, the license of works and activity, as well as all a series of city-planning irregularities that " have been committed " in sector D-10 of Bigastro.

According to Celedonio, the mayor Jose Joaquin Moya, " granted all class of concessions " to his cousin, Manuel Moya, " for his company " Eurener SL. who intend to assemble solar panels in the premises they have just completed on the other side of the CV95 bypass.

Celedonio says that, in his opinion, serious city-planning irregularities have been committed. He also is challenging the process of auctioning land that was municipal property. Apparently the land adjacent to the main road is not meant to be built upon.

Mind you, at the last Municipal Elections, the mayor admitted that his own house was not legal.

The Yorkshire saying, "they all p*** in the same pot" adequately covers this kind of problem.

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