Friday, June 30, 2006


Why is it that women love shopping?

I'm sure that most of them would go shopping all day, every day if they could. Just go down to a shopping precinct like the Habaneras and count the number of men there in relation to women. I'd bet we are outnumbered 5 to 1. That is because men hate shopping. Actually that is not entirely true, I imagine blokes like David Beckham love shopping.

Don't get me wrong we men enjoy a quick browse in the DIY shops and the electrical stores looking at useful things. When we need something we'll go out, find it, buy it and be back in half an hour. If we can't find what we need we just come home empty handed.

Women though seem to be far less focussed. They'll go out looking for a skirt and end up buying a pair of shoes. It is almost as if to come back empty handed would be counted as a crime. I used to tell my daughters "you can leave a shop without buying - the door beeper won't go off - the security guards won't chase you." It all falls on deaf ears though. They were brought up by their mother.

Now we do the weekly food shop on Fridays which is bad enough but today Pam wants to go into Torre as well. If I ask her what she is looking for she will say "nothing in particular" but I bet she comes back with something.


xianfu said...

it's their passion.. and way to relieve stress.. lolz.. who is with me..??? ^^.. wat a lovely blog here... visit my blog and tell me wat do u think about it InvernoKL keep up all the good works.. rocKZ!! :p take care, xian

Anonymous said...

Well i think that is deicated to me shopaholic queen Laura!(am sure you would all agree especially poor dave) Well r betty would agree with me us woman have to look good and have the latest fashion!I take my my hat off to good old coleen who shops till shes drops! I like her style hehe!!